Gigabyte, Corsair, Crucial in podobni so orali ledino na trgu čistokrvnih PCIe 5.0 SSD pogonov. Zanimivo je, da Samsunga tokrat ne najdemo med pionirji, ampak da je za to potreboval skoraj dve leti.
毫无疑问,小米汇聚了众多领先科技公司的专家,共同为这一目标的实现做出贡献。最新成果是一种非常有趣的附加移动或便携式电池。这款产品还配备了快速充电技术,这肯定会吸引许多移动设备用户。 小米超薄移动电源的特点就是体积小巧。这款新颖的产品 ...
Oukitel WP200 Pro 是一款特别的产品。它看起来非常坚固,但相当不错,同时,可以在最苛刻的地形上无忧使用。它符合 IP68 和 IP69K 标准,这意味着它具有防摔、防震和防水功能。此外,这款手机还能耐极端温度。简而言之,最新的 Oukitel 专为耐用性、崎岖地形和 ...
The special feature of the Xiaomi Ultra Slim Power Bank is its compactness. It is finally available for purchase on the European market. Without a doubt, Xiaomi brings together experts from many ...
Samsung will offer its new One UI 7 mobile operating system to users of "older" smartphones. For the past few years, Samsung has been at the forefront of delivering major Android updates to its ...
Gmail search is almost as bad as Outlook and Windows Explorer, but Google has promised that the search experience will be different from now on, as they are introducing artificial intelligence into ...
We've reached a point where it's quite difficult to stand out when using generative AI models. Perhaps the prompts below will help you do just that. ChatGPT can be very useful, but its default ...
Pretraživanje Gmaila gotovo je jednako loše kao pretraživanje Outlooka i Windows Explorera. Google je pak obećao da će iskustvo pretraživanja od sada biti drugačije jer u mail server uvode umjetnu ...
Microsoft has announced Dragon Copilot, an AI system for healthcare that can, among other things, listen to and create notes based on medical visits. The system ...
Tijekom proteklih nekoliko godina, Samsung je bio na čelu pružanja velikih ažuriranja Androida za svoje pametne telefone. Ali s dolaskom najnovijeg mobilnog operativnog sustava Android 15 (One UI 7), ...
O perilicama rublja i sličnim kućanskim aparatima inače ne pišemo, ali slučajno smo naišli na najavu kineske tvrtke Haier za novu perilicu rublja Leader. Za sada ništa posebno, ali novi model ima tri ...
In den letzten Jahren war Samsung Vorreiter bei der Bereitstellung wichtiger Android-Updates für seine Smartphones. Aber mit der Einführung des neuesten mobilen Betriebssystems Android 15 (One UI 7) ...