从仅有五张桌子的街边小店,到拥有2万名员工的餐饮集团,严琦的创业故事堪称传奇。作为重庆知名餐饮集团董事长和全国人大代表,她不仅带领企业走向成功,还积极为民营企业家发声,推动行业发展。本期《重庆面孔》,我们将走进严琦的世界,了解她如何将一个小餐馆发展成 ...
The whole-process people's democracy is designed to promote sound governance, boost national development, and improve the ...
By safeguarding Chinese people's equal rights to participation and development, upholding social equity and justice, and ensuring responsive public policies, the whole-process people's democracy ...
China will not hit the brakes on its support policies after the end of the five-year transition period dedicated to both ...
俄乌问题会在特朗普的推动下,很快得到解决吗?特朗普的下一步,是台湾吗?中国又将在其中发挥什么样的作用,以及如何应对?日前,清华大学战略与安全研究中心研究员周波在慕尼黑安全会议现场接受“德国之声”采访。记者理查德·沃克就多个国际热点问题展开提问,周波就中美关系、中国核力量发展、美国“新帝国主义”倾向及 ...
China's first jumbo jet is expected to make its maiden flight in 2014 and get the Certificate of Airworthiness in 2016, said a senior executive from AVIC.