IT之家 3 月 7 日消息,Spread Privacy 官网昨日(3 月 6 日)发布公告,宣布 DuckDuckGo 搜索引擎的 AI 功能已告别 Beta 测试阶段,现已正式上线,用户可自由选择是否启用 AI ...
近日,DuckDuckGo搜索引擎迎来重大更新,其AI功能‘Assist’正式脱离Beta测试阶段,全面向用户开放。用户现在可以根据自己的需求,选择是否启用这一AI辅助搜索与聊天功能。‘Assist’功能自2023年首次亮相以来,经过近两年的精心打磨 ...
With, everything (even the slower models) is exponentially faster than what's on my desktop. If you're curious, I ...
Spread Privacy 官网宣布,DuckDuckGo 搜索引擎的 AI 功能正式上线,用户现在可以无需注册,享受 AI 辅助搜索与聊天服务。该功能被称为 “Assist”,经过近两年的 Beta 测试,终于迎来了全面发布。
You can still choose how often you see AI-assisted answers, which now incorporate results from the web.
Private search engine DuckDuckGo is leaning further into the generative AI opportunity. The non-tracking search engine has ...
DuckDuckGo has added AI Assist and AI chat to its search engine. Here's how they work and what you can do with them.
You can try these new features for free in the DuckDuckGo browser, and you can try the chatbot at You can also ...
Similar to Google, DuckDuckGo is adopting AI for its search. Nonetheless, it is taking a more cautious approach, which may ...