门外,是现代感十足的摩登大楼;门内,是美轮美奂的件件华纱,这极具反差美的,正是江北区婚纱美学艺术中心——GALA VOGUE。 GALA VOGUE 新马路36弄13号,这座隐藏在繁华都市一隅的静谧之所,曾是宁波正大火柴厂高级职员王垂华的私宅。精致的民国小洋房巧妙地融合了西洋式风格的典雅与石窟门建筑的古朴韵味于一体,展现了中西合璧的独特魅力。 GALA ...
Professor Alice Roberts takes to the railways of Greece and Turkey as she learns about the ancient Greek civilisation that has had such a powerful effect on our lives today.
一段随着时间的推移而持续的爱 La storia d’amore tra Alvaro Morata e Alice Campello ha attraversato alti e bassi, ma la recente riconciliazione segna un nuovo capitolo per la coppia. Dopo una separazione estiva, dura ...