它用150多亿的惊人票房,不仅打破了中国电影纪录,更是撼动了好莱坞动画在全球市场的统治地位。这个数字甚至超越了《星球大战:原力觉醒》,直接杀入全球影史票房榜前五名。而据悉,这部电影更是采用了《黑神话》译制团队参与英配版,势必在国外市场上更进一步。谁能 ...
A 4-year-old child transforms into a “little Terracotta Warrior,” looking as adorable as if she had stepped out of a traditional Chinese painting.#TerracottaWarrior #ChinesePainting #CuteBaby ...
近日,有位叫做“张玄化”的博主在微博发文,声称米汤可以完全代替奶粉和母乳,他还强调米汤喂到10个月就可以了,10个月以后停母乳和米汤,开始换莲藕粥喂养,宝宝就会长得特别壮,而不胖。而他的依据则主要在于,在没有奶粉的时代,奶水不够的妈妈会用米汤喂养孩子 ...
丹佛讯 - 专注于儿童保育管理软件的Procare Solutions推出了全新的培训平台Procare Professional Development,旨在帮助早期儿童教育机构保持培训合规性并提升幼儿教育质量。该公司隶属于软件行业巨头Roper Technologies(Nasdaq: ROP),后者市值约USD 620亿。
A moving tribute to a Metis adolescent, Richard Cardinal, who committed suicide in 1984. The teen's diary reveals the steps that led him to suicide.
小黑盒生活 on MSN1 天
【本文由小黑盒作者@賢狼赫羅于03月17日发布,未经许可不得转载!】 ...
Visitors select pastries at Nezha town in north China's Tianjin, March 16, 2025. Recently, Nezha town in Tianjin hosts a cultural week event, featuring a range of activities centered around the theme ...
To build child-friendly urban spaces, Qingdao will ensure maintenance of traffic order around 57 schools. In addition, Qingdao this year will build more than 50 pocket parks, renovate more than 60 ...
为什么有些人那么坏?为什么他们如此的不可靠、狡诈、卑鄙、两面三刀又或是虚伪懦弱?但即使他们曾让我们受伤难过,即使他们的行为与我们的期望背道而驰,通过爱的眼睛去看待其他人,我们会发现,世上没有绝对的坏人,只有痛苦焦虑和苦难,没有一个人只有优点,也没有人只有缺点。One of the great intellectual puzzles ...