DC Comics confirms that its locking down one of its writers in an exclusive contract that will keep them in the DC Universe ...
Green Lantern Corps writers Jeremy Adams and Morgan sit down with Screen Rant to share what kind of colorful adventures are ahead for the squad of ring-slingers. Screen Rant: Jeremy, tell us a lit ...
In a two-part interview with Jeremy Adams, speaking first about the end of "Season One" of his run BEFORE Fractured Spectrum comes out tomorrow, and then later (after you've all had a chance to ...
The following contains spoilers for Aquaman #2, on sale nowComic book fandom can be a peculiar thing when it comes to your less-successful comic book characters like Aquaman. When you're a fan of ...
This week marks the release of Green Lantern #19, the next part of writer Jeremy Adams' new "season" of his run on Green Lantern that kicked off earlier this month with Green Lantern: Fractured ...
This year, Adams is writing several titles for the publisher: a new Aquaman ongoing series, as well as a Green Lantern series spotlighting iconic Lantern Hal Jordan. Adams is co-writing DC's ...
Warning! Spoilers ahead for Green Lantern Corps #1!A romance that left a strong imprint on Justice League fans everywhere has just become canon in the Prime DC Universe. Things are finally looking up ...