Former Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios CEO Shawn Layden has said Sony can't get away with launching the ...
Former PlayStation boss Shawn Layden doesn't think Sony "can get away with" a disc-less PS6 Layden thinks Xbox has had more ...
A former senior official at Sony Interactive Entertainment names one feature he believes the PlayStation 6 must include at ...
One of Sony Interactive Entertainment's former leaders shares his thoughts about the multiplatform approach that Xbox is ...
Former Sony boss Shawn Layden weighs in on Microsoft's current strategy of bringing its first-party Xbox titles to other ...
Comments made by a former PlayStation executive has PS5 owners hoping that their standalone disc drives will be compatible ...
SIE Worldwide Studios former CEO Shawn Layden comments on Sony's next-gen PlayStation 6 console going discless, doesn't think ...
A former Sony exec has some thoughts on Nintendo's decision to name its console the Switch 2 instead of anything more ...
Beloved ex-PlayStation executive Shawn Layden doesn’t believe Sony can “get away” with an all-digital PS6.
Shawn Layden feels that the PS6 won't be entirely discless, stating it would be hard for Sony to go entirely digital for next-gen.
据外媒报道,前任PlayStation首席执行官ShawnLayden近日在播客中讨论了PS6是否会完全取消游戏光驱的问题。ShawnLayden将PlayStation与Xbox进行了比较,并指出微软能够推动数字主机的原因在于其主要市场——美国、英 ...