Insects are vital to life as we know it on this planet. They are critical to food webs, and humans depend on insect pollination for nutritious fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. There are many ...
Mold tends to grow on clover when the temperature is above 80 F and the humidity is above 60 percent. To prevent problems with moldy clover: Fence your horses out of clover-rich pastures in very wet ...
The Soil Management Summit is a farmer-oriented event dedicated to practical soil management in Minnesota. Experienced farmers, researchers and consultants speak on a variety of soil management topics ...
The grants will support innovative ways to serve participants and update WIC cultural competency practices, professional development, and peer coaching to improve staffing, recruitment and retention.
Powdery mildew fungi create dark round resting structures that contain and protect spores through the winter. In spring, these resting structures break open, releasing spores that are spread by the ...
Mock strawberry is an invasive species. Mock strawberry is found in lawns and woods. It grows as a dense, low-lying ground cover. Can be a weedy pest of turf grass and lawns. Has shown potential to be ...
Find photos and identifying characteristics that’ll help you identify common Minnesota weeds.
COMET (Changing Our Mental and Emotional Trajectory) is a two-hour interactive training that teaches participants how to reach out in a meaningful, respectful and supportive way to friends, co-workers ...
Parents may think independence means their teen will completely separate from their parents and only listen to their peers. But in fact, teens are becoming independent while staying connected to ...
It is difficult to identify a virus by symptoms alone. Symptoms vary depending on the crop, variety, age of the plant at the time of infection, and in some cases weather. It is common to find plants ...
Staking and mulching plants and pinching off infected leaves help keep leaf spot diseases in check. Improve air circulation around plants. Keep leaves dry by watering at the base of the plant. Do not ...
African violets (Saintpaulia ionantha) are low maintenance, easy to grow houseplants. They reliably bloom several times a year when cared for properly. Native to Eastern Africa, these popular ...