Här hittar du information om de sessioner och teman som kommer att presenteras under Swedish Suicide Research Conference 2025. Observera att programmet uppdateras kontinuerligt och vi förbehåller oss ...
Kambe Y; Yamauchi Y; Thanh Nguyen T; Thi Nguyen T; Ago Y; Shintani N; Hashimoto H; Yoshitake S; Yoshitake T; Kehr J; Kawamura N; Katsuura G; Kurihara T; Miyata A ...
Upp till 70 procent av alla strokepatienter riskerar drabbas av hjärntrötthet, eller fatigue, som en konsekvens av stroken.
Ett hållbart arbetsliv innebär deltagande på arbetsmarknaden, det vill säga frånvaro av längre perioder av arbetslöshet, rehabilitering, sjukskrivning, sjuk- eller aktivitetsersättning. Bristande ...
Want to join the network or receive more information? If you want to join our mailinglist or get in contact with the network, please send an e-mail to [email protected] ...
The Karolinska Neuroimmunology & Multiple Sclerosis (KNIMS) network is a collective of neurological clinical and preclinical research scientists working actively to: (1) provide first-class medical ...
Master of Science (2018) and PhD (2024) from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP) through the Postgraduate Program in Experimental Pathophysiology, Department of Pathology. I ...
Lung cancer is the fifth most common kind of cancer in Sweden and strikes far fewer than half as many people every year as prostate cancer or breast cancer, which top the list. In spite of this, lung ...
The general airborne infectious agents JEM aimed to assess the risk of being infected by infectious agents through airborne or droplet transmission in an occupational setting, that might lead to a ...
Visiting address: Hälsovägen, Enheten för funktion och teknologi C2:76, 14186 Stockholm ...
Papp O; Jordán V; Hetey S; Balázs R; Kaszás V; Bartha Á; Ordasi NN; Kamp S; Farkas B; Mettetal J; Dry JR; Young D; Sidders B; Bulusu KC; Veres DV ...
The Division of Tumor Biology at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) at Karolinska Institutet is a leading hub for cutting-edge cancer research. This division is dedicated to ...