Areas where redlining used to occur are still areas associated with increased health risks—including cancer diagnoses at ...
Early in the morning, after she wakes from anesthesia, a 9-year-old patient in Holtz Children’s Hospital’s oncology unit ...
Taking a low dose of daily aspirin is known to have some health benefits. For example, it can help reduce the risk of heart ...
Kevin’s mind relied on familiar pathways built by years of playing and coaching basketball. He used his analytical skills to ...
Learn about the signs and symptoms of cancer, how cancer is diagnosed, and what to expect if you're facing a possible cancer diagnosis.
The topic of the special section of Cancer Facts & Figures 2012 is cancers with increasing incidence rates. Despite improvements in incidence trends for the major cancer sites, incidence rates for ...
Finding the right treatment center and health care team to treat your cancer isn't always easy. Here you can learn more about the types of health professionals who care for people with cancer. We also ...
Estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2023 by cancer site and US state Current cancer incidence, mortality, and survival statistics Information on cancer symptoms, risk factors, early ...
Cancer diagnoses are rising, especially among women under 50, while cancer disparities remain. The latest Cancer Statistics, 2025 report highlights these trends and underscores the importance of early ...
Signs and symptoms a person is having or the results of imaging or other tests might suggest cancer, but usually a biopsy (or sometimes a cytology test) is needed to know for sure. A diagnosis of ...
Once treatment is over, people who have had cancer often want to know what they can do to stay healthy. It's important to realize that people who have had cancer in the past can still have other ...
Learn about how to prepare for treatment and how to adjust to life with cancer. Here you'll find information on what to eat and how to stay active during treatment, as well as ideas and resources to ...