Purdue Extension in the College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS Extension) has a one-time internal funding opportunity to support one or more collaborative projects between HHS College Faculty and ...
Navigating Difference is a cultural competency training for professionals who serve the general public and want to work more effectively across cultural differences. This intensive three-day workshop ...
Vivian Delatorre is part of the first cohort in Purdue Extension’s Food as Medicine program held in the new Healthy Communities Teaching Kitchen at NexusPark in Columbus, Indiana. Delatorre is not ...
Purdue Extension aims to grow and improve jobs in Indiana by championing thriving communities, a prosperous economy and a sustainable infrastructure. This thematic area provides evidence-based ...
Calves under one year of age are more susceptible than older cattle. Older cattle frequently have been exposed to the parasites and developed a degree of immunity. Adult worms in the gut of cattle ...
Welcome to the Hamilton County 4-H Program! I am excited for the adventure that awaits you. Our 4-H mission is to give all youth equal access to opportunity. We have youth participate in 4-H from ...
Vibrant communities often have a healthy economy with a diverse set of economic activity occurring related to job growth, business growth and attraction and a sustainable infrastructure. Business ...
Whether a well taps water just below the ground or hundreds of feet deep, its location on top of the ground is a crucial safety factor. A well downhill from a livestock yard,a leaking tank or a ...
The Dairy Manure Management Planning publication was a joint effort of the Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service and the Indiana Natural Resources Conservation Service. John Pedersen, ...
Arrange to have a security survey conducted. Your insurance agent probably performed a limited assessment of your property to identify risks on which to base premiums. But since insurance appraisals ...
Late season varieties require more than 80 days to reach maturity.
When a water sample is tested the testing lab provides a report listing the concentration of materials found in the sample. Since little or no water in nature is chemically pure, most reports will ...