Crystal River, Minn., is a freshly incorporated city that lacks money for services and infrastructure. A lobbyist would help ...
Residents of red counties in blue states wish they had a new political home. Also, in Florida, the Legislature is starting to stand up to Ron DeSantis.
The administration rescinded its order for a spending review due to blowback. Republicans had not joined the chorus of critics, even though red states are heavily dependent on federal grants.
A 10-mile park running underneath a rail transit line in Miami-Dade County is expected to be complete next year. The county’s former transportation chief just signed on to lead a nonprofit supporting ...
The education committees in both the House and Senate approved a $450 million bill, a top priority for Gov. Bill Lee. Legislators are expected to pass it quickly during a special session this week.
The legislation would block foreclosures and allow homeowners who’ve suffered financially due to the L.A. fires to freeze payments without penalty. Several major lenders have already reached agreement ...
Homelessness rose last year by 18 percent, but much of the increase took place in a handful of states that had received lots of immigrants. Some experts say their increase during a HUD census inflated ...
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has signed a bill overturning the state’s work requirements, which had previously been blocked in court. The bill passed in December while Democrats still controlled the ...
Fortifying extreme weather and energy resilience — On-site solar power generation, combined with battery storage and microgrid controls, guarantees a reliable power source during severe weather events ...
John Nolen’s blueprint for Venice, Fla., is legendary among urban planners. But what's interesting about Venice as a place, as opposed to a plan, is how it’s evolved in real life.
Longtime conservative activist Carl DeMaio won an Assembly seat last year, arguing the GOP must be more aggressive against Democratic policies. Some Republicans call him a self-promoter who can’t be ...
A bill would set caps on infrastructure funds, allowing localities to make up the difference by charging fees on deliveries. Local officials say the plan will leave them short.