Guangdong is hosting its annual High-quality Development Conference on February 5, the first working day after the Chinese New Year holiday, in Guangzhou.
Chinese scientists have developed a new artificial intelligence method to forecast the rapid intensification of a tropical cyclone, shedding new light on improving global disaster preparedness.
携程研究院行业分析师周慧婕表示,8天法定假期加上拼假,使得多段出游成为春节不少游客的选择,其中,北纬25度附近多个沿线城市凭借适宜出游的气温、非遗文化项目,成为春节旅游黄金带。国人赴海外过年,老外来华过中国年,今年初的国际流量的注入与“非遗版春节”在社媒上的广泛传播令China Travel升级Chinese New Year,国人老外实现双向奔赴,交换地方过新春佳节。