去年7月的一个下午,加拿大爱德华王子岛的Joe Velaidum和他的伴侣Laura Kelly遛狗时,意外目睹了一场惊心动魄的宇宙事件——他们家门口竟然被陨石撞击,地面满是碎片。两人初时并未意识到这是一场陨石降临,Joe甚至误以为是某种屋顶掉落的东西。当地居民Laura的父母曾听到巨响,怀疑是陨石撞击。Joe查看了家庭监控录像后,才意识到自己的确捕捉到了这一难得的时刻。
A sharp crash that sounds like glass shattering or ice cracking has been documented as likely the world's first audio ...
Joe Velaidum and his partner, Laura Kelly, set out to walk their dog when their doorbell camera captured a meteorite striking ...
IT之家 1 月 20 日消息,加拿大 CTV News 于 1 月 14 日发布博文,报道称加拿大爱德华王子岛(P.E.I.)居民乔・维莱杜姆(Joe ...
For the first time, someone has captured a meteor strike and the sound of its crash on video. Watch it for yourself!
Joe Velaidum of Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island narrowly avoided a collision with an incoming meteorite at his home in July.
NVIDIA初创加速计划是NVIDIA为全球创业公司打造的加速平台,旨在为创新企业提供全方位的支持。在中国,已有超过千家创业公司加入,并获得融资机会、客户对接、路演展示、技术支持、市场推广,以及NVIDIA软硬件产品折扣等独家资源支持。现在免费申请加入,还有机会获得 GTC25 早鸟票折扣,点击链接或者扫描即可免费申请加入。
A home security camera captured the rare event. The homeowner narrowly escaped getting hit. “It probably would’ve ripped me ...
Joe Velaidum and Laura Kelly, who live on Prince Edward Island, caught a meteorite hitting their property on their doorbell camera. Some say this could be the first video recording of a meteorite that ...
去年七月那一天,维莱杜姆离家的时刻可说非常幸运。因为就在几秒之后,一颗陨石坠落在他在爱德华王子岛马什菲尔德(Marshfield)家门前人行道上, 砰 的一声,陨石应声而碎。
A doorbell camera recorded a rare video of the moment a meteorite fell outside a home. When you purchase through links on our ...