春分的另一个含义是“季节平分”。古时以立春到立夏之间为春季,而春分日正处于两个节气之中,正好平分了春季。昼夜平分点的英文表达为“Equinox [ˈekwɪnɑːks]”,所以春分是The Spring Equinox。
The China Night, an official series of events of the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2025 Annual Meeting, was held in Davos on January 22, Swiss time. As one of the key events of the WEF, this year's China ...
Bamboo theatre is a unique wonder of Hong Kong. In many local festivals, temporary bamboo theatres made of bamboos and Chinese fir will be built in different places to stage Chinese operas for enjoyme ...
Wing Lee Wai Wines Ltd., founded in Guangzhou in 1876, Wing Lee Wai relocated to Sheung Wan, Hong Kong in 1905. It mainly deals in Chinese wines such as Siberian ginseng wine and rose wine. Mr Ching, ...