Joe Velaidum and Laura Kelly, who live on Prince Edward Island, caught a meteorite hitting their property on their doorbell camera. Some say this could be the first video recording of a meteorite that ...
A sharp crash that sounds like glass shattering or ice cracking has been documented as likely the world's first audio recording of a meteorite crash. It came by chance from a doorbell camera, recorded ...
It happened last July on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Just a few steps from ... between my legs where I was standing,” he told CTV.A meteorite crash-landed on his home’s walkway.
The researcher says the meteorite likely broke off from an ... It happened last July on Prince Edward Island, Canada. Just a few steps from Joe Velaidum’s house, he missed a surprise from ...
A video has been circulating showing a doorcam capturing a meteorite impact near a home in Canada. A recent NPR report indicates that a camera located on Prince Edward Island may have filmed the ...