2025年春天,全台熱門的手搖飲專賣店也陸續推出多款清爽又迷人的全新 手搖 新品,這次集結IG上最火紅的 UG 、時尚感十足 The COACH Coffee Shop 、一推新品就造成排隊風潮的 Odd One Out ...
2025年將會發生兩次血月月全食,分別在3月14日與9月8日,血月的名稱由來是因為月亮因大氣折射,使月亮染上紅銅色而形成「血月」的奇幻景象。而台灣將只有在9月8日的月全食能見到血月的出現,也是睽違7年後再度出現的奇景之一,COSMO就要來介紹什麼是血 ...
陸劇《愛你》改編自笙離的小說《愛你,是我做過最好的事》,講述酒店客房部經理沈惜凡是一個工作狂,因為常常高強度工作患有失眠偏頭痛,因此去看中醫,在青春的尾巴上邂逅了溫潤俊秀的中醫何蘇葉,然而她經常因工作繁忙忘記取藥,每每都令何蘇葉很是頭疼。原本以為兩人 ...
王品餐飲集團旗下的鍋物品牌「 和牛涮 」與「聚」,首度攜手推出全新「柚子慶典」系列!嚴選日本柚子入湯,帶來清新香氣與溫潤口感,為 鍋物 ...
Las que más saben de moda ya han añadido a su vestidor algunos de estos diseños, tan bonitos como favorecedores. ¿Con cuál te quedas?
Just One Look follows the release of Missing You which landed on Netflix in January and centered around Detective Kat Donovan ...
Gigi Hadid and Zayn Malik may have called it quits in 2021, but the couple is keeping things cordial when it comes to their 4 ...
Before you ask, sadly you cannot buy the actual outfit that Timothée wore—but you can buy a very, very similar version of it!
Benson Boone is living the dream. The singer not only broke records with the biggest-selling global single of 2024, ...
In The Bachelor world, getting the coveted first impression rose on night one is generally considered a good sign. But Alexe ...
Sophia playfully called out her sister in a series of screenshots on her Instagram Stories (yes, as a younger sibling, I can ...