The House Homeland Security cyber subcommittee holds a hearing on cyber regulatory harmonization this week featuring stakeholders from the telecom, tech, financial and electric sectors, while a slew ...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has finalized a publication aimed at helping organizations working with datasets containing personal information to protect the privacy of ...
The Center for Cybersecurity Policy and Law has produced a crosswalk comparing artificial intelligence frameworks issued by governments and standards bodies, including the National Institute of ...
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The National Institute of Standards and Technology has published a draft white paper on ways to achieve “cryptographic agility” by making systems flexible when implementing encryption algorithms, as ...
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House Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) is asking the Transportation Security Administration to provide information on its plans for implementing a notice of proposed rulemaking to put in ...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is providing a 30-day extension for stakeholders to submit comments on a proposed rule focused on putting in place requirements for data brokers who are ...
The National Institute of Standards and Technology has announced nine collaborators who will be working on a National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence project to provide guidance on implementing the ...