After several years of strong activity, which have seen independent power producers leading an increasing number of projects, public sector Zambia Electricity Supply Corp. (ZESCO) plans to make an ...
The minister and his new director have known each other for many years. In the early 2000s when he was at the helm of the SNPC, Itoua dispatched Onanga to train as an oil engineer in Houston.
Rwandan president Paul Kagame has appointed François Nkulikiyimfura as ambassador to France. © François Nkulikiyimfura/Twitter ...
The process of selling these assets, which began several months ago, has been hindered by the protests of ExxonMobil staff, who vehemently opposed an on-site visit by Savannah until the subject of ...
As part of the French president's visit to Madagascar on 22 April, a meeting will be held between Medef and the Groupement ...
However, by 29 May the gendarmes had still not left. Touré has appealed the ruling of his examining chamber colleagues, which is an unusual legal move according to Guinean magistrates we have spoken ...
Secretary of State for Tourism Lamia Boutaleb succeeded in heading off the "Southbridge affair" by cancelling the consultancy contract awarded to a company owned by a member of her RNI party (MC 1260) ...
Hydraulics specialist Envex is to rehabilitate the Les Dunes and Bousfer sea water desalination plants in Oran, two of the seven sited in the wilaya. The Oran water resources department awarded it the ...
The former premier plans to open his own company specialising in financial support for African countries, which could bring ...
While work is being completed on the road between Kitale and Lokichogio (western Kenya), which is intended to eventually improve trade with southern Sudan, Nairobi is working on the renovation of ...
There is sure to be some grumbling about Lesotho's government when the country's citizens learn of the price South Africa pays each year for the delivery of 780 million cubic meters of Lesotho water.
Two years after Cyclone Idai tore through Sofala province in central Mozambique, the state-owned electricity firm Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) is looking to contract a company to replace the 110 ...