A tiny orphan has been given a second chance of life and two new companions, thanks to Lilongwe Wildlife Trust, in Malawi, ...
It’s shocking, but pangolin poaching is a big business. You can help Born Free take action to fight crime and stop those who want to hunt, kill and sell these fascinating animals.
In partnership with Empathy Week, Born Free’s unique training session inspired teachers to bring empathy for animals into the ...
Pangolins like Puck, just days old when rescued from wildlife traffickers, his umbilical cord still attached. He needs many months of 24/7 care before he can return to the wild. We need your help to ...
One year on from arriving at our South African sanctuary, see how two lion brothers rescued from the Ukraine are settling in.
You might have heard how Born Free is devoted to gorilla conservation in Cameroon, but did you know their rainforest habitat ...
A fun-filled day in South Africa celebrated wildlife and brought the community together as Rotondwa Sithagu, Born Free’s ...
During this webinar, students can paint along with John to create their own savannah masterpiece of the largest land mammal ...
Dion George, South Africa’s Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries has revealed the latest rhino poaching figures for the country.
Over the last century, wild tiger numbers have plummeted from 100,000 to an estimated 2,608 to 3,905 mature individuals, accompanied by a loss of more than 93% of tiger habitat range, according to the ...
For International Women’s Day, we take a look at what Born Free is doing to empower women in Kenya and increase their ...
Rescued baboons and vervets are learning how to avoid predators, thanks to the ingenuity of the Zambia Primate Project, and ...