A body which has been recovered from the River Thames by police is being linked to a murder investigation in Kent, officers ...
The stunning views are likely to be seen across parts of the country with potentially clear skies - and there are also two ...
Despite the sunny and warm weather we have recently had, Exeter-based forecasters at the Met Office have said there is a risk ...
Cornwall has had a sudden surge in tourists - before summer even begins. While the days are still short and the weather iffy, ...
The thing with vising Pagan sites in Cornwall is that it’s quite hard to pin down what ‘Pagan’ actually means. Pagan and ...
A school community is in mourning after the heart-breaking loss of a "beloved" young teacher. Emily Rose Browning, 24, from ...
People being 'driven to distraction' by a lighthouse foghorn sounding off has been offered a chance for some respite from the ...
Tesco has launched a new trial where it is weighing customers' trolleys at the till. The supermarket giant has introduced ...
Lucy said: "We put the PS4 on Facebook Marketplace and it was sold with ten games. It was boxed up and the man collected it ...
During the pandemic, travel restrictions meant many UK residents discovered or rediscovered the joys of holidaying in ...
A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police told PlymouthLive today: "Harry Tangye, aged 55, from Newquay has been charged with ...
Connor Smith broke into his neighbours' home address in Wadebridge in the middle of the night and stole their car keys. He ...