Employed, grant-funded or self-funded? If you are planning to start doctoral studies, it's important to consider how you will fund your doctoral research. A realistic funding plan is a routine part of ...
Researchers from Spain, Finland and Canada have shown for the first time that electric sparks can be guided using ultrasonic waves. Electric sparks are used for welding, powering electronics, killing ...
As they take up their new role, each professor at the University of Helsinki holds a public inaugural lecture. Inaugural lectures are held twice a year close to the end of each term, usually in May ...
Kielituetut osaamispolut pääkaupunkiseudun maahanmuuttajille työvoimapula-aloille -projektin tavoitteena on tukea aliedustettujen ryhmien pääsyä korkeakoulutukseen ja parantaa koulutusorganisaatioiden ...
A recent study published in One Earth has uncovered compelling evidence suggesting that the climate effects of new particles in urban areas have been significantly underestimated. Particles play a ...
Volatile organic compounds, usually associated with poor indoor air, were discovered in a borehole more than two kilometres deep. Previously, groundwater dating back tens of millions of years was ...
At the beginning of February, Mikko Lilja, DSc (Technology), assumed the role of professor of practice at the University of Helsinki’s Department of Mathematics and Statistics. His three-year ...
Luonnontieteellinen keskusmuseo on enemmän kuin museo. Olemme tutkimuslaitos, joka ylläpitää yhtä maailman merkittävimmistä luonnontieteellisistä kokoelmista. Visio – Luontopositiivinen maailma ...
NNDR PhD course is on its way! The next host country of NNDR conference organises a PhD course. Online meetings 28-30th of April and in person meeting 5th and 6th of May in Helsinki. Registration for ...
What will ensure Finland's success while its population decreases? Kipinä Future Forum offers new ideas on Finland's future.The keynote will be given by Professor Ian Goldin of the University of ...
The Teachers’ Academy is a multidisciplinary network of distinguished teachers at the University of Helsinki. In 2025 ten new fellows, all innovative developers of teaching in their respective fields, ...
Kumpula Campus Library is located in the Physicum building at Kumpula Campus. The entrance to the Library is on the first floor of the Physicum lobby. Near the entrance to Physicum, there is a bus ...