As we move past the super electoral year of 2024, all eyes are now on 2025. With the return of “Trump 2.0,” what impact will ...
立法院长韩国瑜日前率团访美庆贺美国总统川普(Donald Trump)就职,在今(24)日结束行程返抵国门,他于今天中午在脸书发文写下「I am back.」,还开玩笑问网友「这样有没有看出英文有进步」。对此,退役陆军少将栗 ...
针对特朗普政府可能对中国加征关税,中国商务部发言人何亚东星期四表示,中国商务部一直与美方“相关”主管部门保持沟通。“中方愿按照相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢的原则,与美方共同推动中美经贸关系朝着稳定健康、可持续的方向发展。” ...
受到个人用品股的提振,欧洲股市基准指数在周五早盘衝破歷史新高;此外投资人也欢迎美国总统川普(Donald Trump)呼吁降息的言论。周五泛欧Stoxx 600指数早市升1.96点或0.37%,暂为532.30点。该指数在周四创收盘新高。
“Mi corazón está con ustedes”, clamó el dueño de X (antes Twitter) al repetir el gesto ante los seguidores de Trump que se congregaron en el recinto deportivo del Capital One Arena de Washington, tras ...
O presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, confirmou planos de promulgar uma tarifa adicional de 10% sobre produtos da China e 25% sobre os do Canadá e México a partir do mês que vem, depois de acusar a ...
To “tell a yarn” means to tell a story, especially a long and tall one, one that is exaggerated, one that is imagined or at any rate one that is not entirely true. That’s the idea being conveyed in ...
Varios países de Latinoamérica han expresado su firme oposición y han criticado severamente la conducta hegemónica de EE. UU.
在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)于2025年总统就职前夕推出的备受争议且极受欢迎的纪念币“TRUMP Coin”中,最为激烈的批评者正是那些他可能原本希望争取的加密货币行业内人士。 TRUMP Coin发布两天后,由特朗普第一夫人梅拉尼亚·特朗普(Melania ...